Nikki Sixx, the founder of Motley Crue, lived for awhile here in Twin Falls Idaho. He was in elementary school. The Wikipedia page is all wigged out by the dudes in Jerome Idaho. Its a funny read but the part about Jerome is false. It was Twin Falls he lived in for awhile.
Deepthroat also graduated highschool here in Twin Falls Idaho. No not that one, Mark Felt. You know, the FBI guy that helped bring down the Nixon presidency.
We have a nice handful of famous and semi famous residents from here in Twin Falls Idaho. Not too far away in Hailey and Sun Valley we got ALOT of famous people. Hopefully I can ride up in the Hailey/Sunvalley area this summer. If your local here In Twin Falls and going up that way this summer maybe my bike and I can hitch along.
John Kerry has a home in the Ketchum area. When he was running for President he came up this way to Ketchum(maybe it was Hailey or Sunvalleey, same shizz) to spend time at his home and went riding his bike. He's spandex laden roadie when hes pedaling his bike.
We need more famous bike riders to help encourage people to ride bike. i'm not talking bike racers like Lance Armstron even though hes done an excellent job of promoting bikes. We need famous people that ride bikes a lot for recreation. What if Oprah Winfrey started riding her bike to work everyday and they filmed it. Every woman in the country would start riding bikes and then every single guy would start riding bikes to meet all the ladies out riding.
In a future post I'll try to post a list of "Famous bicycle riders" that are not racers.
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